Hermanos - Installment 8, Season 5 of Breaking Bad
Just how deep does the Meth rabbit-hole go? We get a taste in this week's Breaking Bad. Roots that go back to other times, and other countries, like Chile, begin to unravel for us.
The writing is still fresh and brilliant, and I am continually amazed at the complexity, yet the solidity of the story that is unfolding in Breaking Bad, now in the 4th season. The characters in BB are none of them flat, or uninteresting. Every one has a crucial role. The writing deserves the Oscar, and the execution via camera work, sets, lighting, locations, and acting, somehow have mixed here to make a cinematic alchemy, a metaphysical work of wonder. Needless to say, I'm a fan, and I have never seen anything like it.
The one thing that always worries me about something like this, is the end. And now, for some strange reason, it appears that I don't have to worry about that for yet another season. BB has been approved for Season 5, so I take it we're going to have "more to come".