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Saturday, September 19, 2009

How do we balance Freedom with our need to look after one another?

The words of Barak Obama, as he answers the question, "Is government out of control", and pertaining to the health care debate mostly, as well as spending. This was during an interview with David Gregory of NBC News, 09/17/09.

There it is in a nutshell. Carefully gliding around the words, "Big Government" or "Government Role" or anything else having to do with the word Government, Barak couches the answer in "Need" first of all, and "Looking after one another". So if we were mathematicians, we would equate that as: Government = Care for One Another. So those then that oppose Government spending on some levels, especially with regard to Health Care, Social Security, or other more "personal" programs that deal with the basic human needs (please see Maslow on his heirarchy), then they are almost automatically viewed as "non-caring" or even stamped "anti-caring", by this rhetoric.

While the President has noted that this kind of debate, this topic, is "an argument that has gone on for the history of this Republic", it's worth noting that the rhetoric that he is using to assuage those on the middle of the fence and can be purchased with romantic language of this type, has also been going on since.....well, the garden? Take a bite of the fruit.

The only way that we can truly "Look after one another", is through the community and the church. This is where all of our real caring has, and will, come from. All else is commerce.
