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Monday, February 26, 2007

The thing about Scorsese is that every picture is better than the last. I’m sitting here watching the Oscars after I just watched the Departed DVD last night until 3 AM. Ok, I got started too late. But yeah, about the Scorsese guy, you bet he gets the best director or I’m eating my last movie ticket stub. He looks rather cartoonish in the crowd, and when accosted with a script by Ellen Degeneres, laughs it up and promises to look at it later. I doubt if it’s a real script, and I doubt he would look at it later if it was. I don’t think he needs script submissions at this stage.

Marty takes the cake for best directors of all time so far. My top three are Martin Scorsese, reluctantly Alfred Hitchcock, and Benito Bertolucci. I say reluctantly about Alfred because, well simply he was so stinking weird. But I’m just talking about their directing ability, not their personal beliefs or their lives or legacy.

But I will also state this uncategorically that Marin Scorsese would not be the filmmaker that he is without Thelma Shoemacher. Their editing teamwork goes back to his first gangster film and they haven’t stopped since. It’s kind of like a marriage. But she is brilliant all by herself. I think there should be a film about HER actually. It would be a documentary that I would spend the time to watch. I would want to see Thelma put in the top all-time editors in the filmmaking hall of fame.

In The Departed the sequences of dual character development flow so smoothly that they are indistinguishable, and one character flows into the other without being so confusing as to be lost. The moment of the cutaways, the use of sound in the editing in the gun battles and subtle changes in the climate of sounds and atmosphere in cellphone conversations were very nicely cut, but the timing of how long to hang on a face, the conversations, the movement across the screen, etc., is all Thelma. Ok, it’s Marty that makes the actors do their thing, but the perfect timing, I mean flawless timing of the cut, to the frame, goes to Thelma. One can only hope to find a partner to work with and team with in life the same way that these two operate.

Ok, so it’s 11:40 PM EST and Thelma just won. I am so justified. So now I guess I’ll wait until the nominee for best director and watch Marty make his walk down there. It’s about time he did. I don’t know about best picture. It’ll be close, and The Departed may make it, but I have a feeling that it could be Blood Diamond, or the Queen, but since I haven’t yet seen either one yet, well…there’s Marty. I am typing this as the envelope is opened. And……yep, it’s Marty. I knew that. But that doesn’t make me smart, because it was a given this year. And best picture…yep, it’s The Departed. Ok, now I feel smarter. Maybe I’ll watch it again tomorrow and pay my extra dollar to Blockbuster.


Friday, February 23, 2007

I just figured out who HRG is in Heroes. I know it for sure.

[HRG, “Horned Rimmed Glasses” on Heroes, is really an employee of an organization that is much like WHO, the World Health Organization, but a branch that is much more like the CIA and very secretive, and they’ve branched off and made their own highly secret pact to control the whole genetic anomaly that is creating these presentations as extranormal human abilities.] They knew even before the older Dr. Suresh did that the human genome had this trait evident within it, as capable of producing these results, but here’s the kicker – they actually CAUSED this to happen on purpose, knowing also that the genome, while developing on it’s own had these capabilities, would not have presented in any form high-profile enough to find except in rare and sporadic cases without a “PUSH”, and so they experimented with large areas of the human population by releasing certain hormonal-laced inhalents as gasses (or as soluble liquids in water supplies – wait and see on that one – proteins are very difficult to manage as they are such large molecules – it’s been proven, like the new inhalable insulin that that only works as inhalant and not liquid, anyway…)over large population areas, and as such were harmless in and of themselves.

On the other hand, the Cheerleader, Clair along with the entire Petrelli gang, and mother, and Clair’s mother who lives in the trailer park, and who knows how many others, is a direct responsibility of a mating of people who actually AGREED to be part of an experiment early on in the Human Genome project, and the whole family has these miraculous abilities because of the direct genetic manipulation of the PARENTS of the politician and his brother, and the mother who lives in the trailer, etc. So that all leads back to some very tricky manipulation on the part of the parents of the Petreilli brothers (the mother sat at lunch with the press person who gave them such a hard time) and the elusive Mr. Linderman, and HRG.

I believe that Linderman is basically just a bad guy after a lot of money that happened to “horn in” on the action of the whole WHO-type organization and his funds are involved, trying to develop the heroes to do the bidding of a personal organization like that, and hence the “control devices” that they are all being outfitted with. As such, it could be that Linderman is NOT associated with HRG at all now and they’ve broken off, and that’s why HRG is trying to be so secretive and keep the information out of the open so that Linderman does not find out how they are operating. So basically here’s how that scenario would work out: Linderman is a type of the Devil (and you’ll see later in my paragraph below, Nazi), and HRG is a type of God.

I’ve personally seen HRG as a type of God since the beginning anyway, and have made my bets that he is really a very good guy. But he’s very much like the Judeo-Christian god as seen by the larger culture and not a central figure in how this all shakes out. As such, Clair represents a type of the church catholic, and/or/also a type of innocence, beauty, and goodness at the very least, in mankind, and also because she is “blonde, American, a Cheerleader, a virile teen woman” she also represents a current social ideal (and maybe someone who is a screenwriter’s ideal) of what genetic evolution on this side of the pond would be.

So besides the jabs at what the subtext is all about, let’s get back to the science of it and why it’s all so important anyway. The story is definitely heading for a moral point, and I’m seeing it as only coming out one way, that’s the way that Jewish-controlled media has been attempting to shape public consciousness for the last 3 decades. It’s all about the evil direction that genetic manipulation and human intervention in human design can take, and a cautionary tale about our dangerous manhandling of such a volatile substance as genetic material. You may ask how I know this about the Jewish media and why it’s such a hot issue. If you just consider their history…and then consider the history in Hollywood. Let’s look at the Alien series as an example. That whole series was nothing if not a giant cautionary tale about the future of people using genetics to completely wipe out another race of people, or gain mass-amounts of planetary resources. 3 decades you say, just what exactly was happening in the 80s? Look back at a series on television then called “V – The Final Battle”. There was nothing more Judeo-paranoid than that series.

Anyhow, that’s the bottom line – the so-called “Heroes” are our genetically manipulated future, and the world can easily turn into a “freak show” if not handled correctly. The believers in this are not strictly Jewish by faith you probably understand, but the highly secularized version of their religious cousins. As such they have inherited/gained a cultural zeitgeist that refuses to be whitewashed under watered-down Americanism or post Cold-War euphoria. They see the world as amalgamated, treated by very ethnic-conscious individuals, secular humanists, not Christian humanists, and groups that shun, no, fear such things as ethnic cleansing. They have every right, you know, to have such a fear, having had the experiences that they have had as a community. Consider this last “little” thought if you will – the name “Linderman”.

And I am not saying that I disagree with them. I am only stating the facts as best I can see them. “The science could be good if tightly controlled and used for the right reasons, but given greed, and the evil bias of certain men who would feel that they are created a bit higher than other men, and also human fallibility and a record of not controlling ourselves, you will have a deadly combination that creates havoc rather than good.”

I’m counting on this show actually demonstrating a way out of that ultimate destruction, and I’m betting it has much to do with the idea, not so much of leaving genetic manipulation alone, but rather controlling it correctly and not allowing it’s misuse. They are trying to create an opinion here that is not highly skeptical of the science itself, but rather highly cautious, and will try to prove that this type of science not only needs to be taken very seriously and cautiously, but also controlled and in the right hands.