Ah, the Year of our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ 2012 (if indeed that is really how long it's been since his actual death and resurrection because we all know the calendar is off from its origins).
But it is the year and year beginning that we've named 2012, which would be 2 thousand and twelve years after the event. The Jewish calendar is much more in number than ours, today being the 16th of Tevet, 5772, which actually means 5 thousand seven hundred and seventy two years since creation, or thereabouts since the finishing of the last day of creation, the Shabbat, or the day of rest. Interesting stuff.

So, there comes a time in every movie-lovers life that they must indeed take a rest from film. Yes. My family no longer functions without media involvement, so now is that time. On Jan 17th, next Tuesday in fact, 2012, we will be "pulling the plug" on everything except the major sports events like the playoffs and super bowl, and the news. 6 weeks. Yes, 6 weeks without media input. We can play music while we are doing a task, meditative while writing or resting, and other selections of pop, rock, or jazz, whatever, while physically working. Nighttime audio stories will be allowed, or podcasts as long as they are of a literary or educational nature. But as far as VISUAL media is concerned, it's a no-no. No cartoons, no movies, no TV, nada, zilch.
So in the meantime, prior to this media fast, we celebrated the end of our movie season by going to see film at the theatre, and also Netflix. By the way, the reason for the start date of our voluntary media deprivation is because I'm canceling Netflix for good on the 16th, which is the last day of the billing cycle. Bye bye. From the 17th through Feb. 28th. Yes, I know it's leap year. I've left that date open in case we actually want to go to a movie.
So this means I'd better write some good reviews of the films I've seen since the end of the writing of my last novel, which would be Dec. 1st until the present, and that includes :
War Horse
The Philosopher Kings
True Grit
Twilight Zone Season 1, Ep. 4: The 16 mm Shrine
Gnomeo and Juliet
A Christmas Carol (Carrey - animated)
The Accused
Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol
Absolute Power
Life in a Day
Leaves of Grass
Believe it or not, yes, all of that, and probably a few more that I'm not going to rate because they stanketh, and I don't want them even mentioned in my blog. That's the price of media criticism, you have to eat some turkey burger on your way to the steak.
But wait, some of that stuff is REALLLY old, man. Why do you wait to write about it now?
Well, I haven't SEEN it until now, and I believe there is no time like the present to comment on something that is fresh in the mind. I don't care if it's OLD or not, they still write about Citizen Kane don't they?
Ok, see you in my next reviews, which I will try to summarize over the next few days (along with anything else I happen to see between now and the, uh...17th).