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Sunday, September 27, 2020

Ratched (or is it "Retched"?)


(TV "Maturity Analysis" needed?)

The LGBTQ+++ Alphabet community strikes again, this time with a sure-fire script for the uninitiated into their wares, selling marginalism juxtaposed over and against emotional hope and anathema relationships gone totally normal.  Buffoonery also abounds in the area of chauvinistic political overlords, aka Gov. of California played by the the overly capable Vincent D’Onofrio, of earlier fame on Law and Order, Criminal Intent, albeit a great many pounds later it seems, something on the order of Orson Wells (he actually elicits that aire, with the goatee still intact, etc).  

Overboard acting and “new” noir is offset by the incredibly bright and crisp cinematography, showcasing deep focus and almost painfully stark lines.  This is NOT Casablanca…it’s Casablanca invaded by a Disney colorist and mise en’ scene by the likes of John Alcott of The Shining (there is a list of a crew of 4 separate cinematographers on IMDB -

But people, let’s be “straight” about this ok?  It’s a plot over-poisoned/whelmed by schmarmy same-sex overtones and over the top aggrandizing of the state of queer culture.  The theme of “set my people free” seems to take the day, and at the expense of course of the Catholic Church, or any church authority, and as I said, womanizing politics.  It is conveniently placed back in a time when those themes were “in extremis”.  So just like the almost neon contrasting atmosphere of the scenes, so is the sexuality overexposed.  

I quit the series when Ratched finally kissed the much older and I think not properly cast Cynthia Nixon.  “That’s it”   I declared, and turned it off.  

Wait, let’s throw in euthanasia as a serious subplot, and anti-death penalty as well.  California, ye shall surely fall off into the ocean as many have predicted.  Man, get your head out of that gutter.

- Agitatus