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Wednesday, June 26, 2013


A largely commercial venture that caters to the Superman crowd, I could not take this as seriously as a Mission Impossible, for instance.  There were too many panderings to Cinametique, and the whole thing was just way too long.  It stretched and stretched it seemed.  I could have edited this down and chewed off at least 40 minutes.  Plus it was all way too obvious as far as progression of plot.  The mystery just wasn't there.

Javier Bardem played his role magnificently, as would be expected.  He makes a great bad guy.  But the clownish blonde hair and the CG  I'm thinking as well that Javier felt a little out of his element here as he's been involved in some very serious roles in the past with No Country, Biutiful, and  To The Wonder (ok, we'll not count "Between Your Legs").  The security setup with him in the glass cage (with no potty to go in) was way ridiculous, as well as the moment with him on the ladder being shot at 5 times by Bond and evidently Bond claiming that he missed on purpose.  The explosion in the ceiling of the tunnel and the crashing of the train with its lights still on during the whole ordeal and no one on board the train in evidence was quite amateurish, no matter how much they spent on the scene.

The only delightful thing about the film, really, was the opening, and the credits were fantastic.  I think credits are becoming a category for the Oscars in themselves.  "For Best Credit Sequence in a Feature Film, the statue goes to...."  I actually like Adell's song for this movie, it was perfect for the pace of the credits as well.  Smooth baby.

Cannot say I'd ever watch again though.  Only a few fun moments, otherwise most of it lost in being filmy and Hollywoodish.  Lots of money, no results.  Oh, but at least a cool retro car in the end, and like a rock group and their guitars, they have to smash it of course.  Sorry, that's my spoiler.

1.5 stars of 5

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