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Sunday, June 26, 2022

Don't Look Up


R - 2 hr 18 min 


There could not be a better painting, photograph, article, poem, or song that describes the current state of our culture at large than the film “Don’t Look Up”.


But of course, it’s really much bigger than that.  The last 5 minutes of the film sum it up quite well at the dinner table.  Thank you Timoth’ee Chalamet.


While a completely fictional comedic farce, the internal contents of Don’t Look Up underscore the nature or our media, leadership, prurient idolatry, and collective narcissism, and in essence, our humanity,.  And not to be outdone…our place in time.  As large as a comet, the juxtaposition of banal false hope and real love could not be more distant than east…is to west.

This is a must-see for all those who are addicted to having their tongues firmly planted in one or the other cheek in any given moment.  But concurrently, the effect can be as devastating to our conscience as a look into a mirror while illuminated at 5400K bright daylight.  

Brilliant.  As well written, executed. and as devastating as any Ben Hur, Citizen Kane, or Apocalypse Now could have been.  At this film’s cornucopia of images, convergence of politics with reality, and poignant paraleipsis, irony is at it’s finest, and even Shakespeare would have been envious.

Enjoy Responsibly.

- Agitatus

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